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Training and Development
Management, Training, and Development of Professional Abilities

Yuanta works to cultivate financial talent based on the principle of “meeting the requirements of both the financial industry and the Group’s operational development”. The Company has established a multi-faceted development program for managerial and professional talent which provides training classes and educational resources in four core curricula, “Management Academy,” “Professional Academy,” “Licensing Academy,” and “Life Skills Academy.” For management employees at the Company’s subsidiaries, this process involves the flagging of talent, assignment to training, job rotations, assignment to special projects, and education on digital finance topics, in order to identify and prepare talent in accordance with the Group’s developmental needs. These training methods encourage staff to become familiar with different fields within the financial industry and to diversify their professional abilities, allowing both the Company and its employees to quickly adapt to the rapid pace of change and innovation in the financial industry by equipping them with the knowledge and skills they will need to succeed.

  • 1 . Multi-Faceted Development Program for Managerial and Professional Talent

    Managerial Development
    The Management Academy’s curriculum for each level of management and digital finance educational resources were designed in accordance with Yuanta’s managerial abilities framework, in order to develop the core thinking and management abilities of the program’s participants. Through management courses, special project assignments, meeting participation, job rotation, industry exchanges and position backup program, Yuanta undertakes the cultivation of each managerial level and cultivates their abilities in an authentic work environment. Since its establishment in 1961, Yuanta has relied on its solid replacement and succession planning in building its business.

    Yuanta’s key managerial positions include: chief executive officer, auditor-general, functional heads, executive officers, and department heads—93.2% have gone through internal job transfer and promotion to assume their current positions. The echelon selection considers the candidate’s professional background, work performance, talent potential, core value, and personal career intentions. Yuanta has identified one to three replacements for each of the key positions and undertakes to have them gain on-the-job experiences in subsidiaries, participate in compliance, financial, and strategic planning formal training courses, engage in critical meetings, and assume backup role to key positions to fully understand the Company’s overall development strategy, the intra-company communication, decision making and execution abilities, as well as practices the high-level thinking and detail execution.

    In addition, Yuanta has made talent development and succession cultivation a major performance review indicator for all managerial levels. With semi-annual performance reviews, Yuanta measures the developmental progress and ability of managers to move into the next echelon of Company management and makes the appropriate adjustment in development programs for the participants for following year, with the status of the training and succession planning to be reported to the board of directors January of the following year.

    Managerial Abilities Framework

    Professional Development
    In line with the Company’s development strategy and yearly performance goals, Yuanta’s professional development training focuses on guidance relating to finance law, industry trends and outlook, and professional training. These training programs strengthen employees’ knowledge of legal regulations and improve their understanding and application of professional knowledge, allowing them to provide customers with even higher quality financial services while helping the Company meet its performance objectives.

    In terms of professional skills, in line with its annual operational strategy, the Group invites internal lecturers to hold a variety training courses, integrating business strategy and practical experience to systematically organize and disseminate to employees, helping the Group reach its operational objectives while also assisting in the transfer of knowledge and experience within the Company.

    Yuanta also encourages its employees to actively attend training and educational courses, strengthening the skills relevant to their current positions and also gaining skills and knowledge for future positions. The Company fully covers the expenses for the training courses it assigns, or which have received prior approval from the Company. Employees who attend internationally accredited financial certification programs can also apply to be reimbursed for a portion of those expenses.

  • 2 . Establishing a Digital Learning Platform and Promoting Lifelong Learning

    Since 2003, the Group has made use of its digital learning platform, the “Yuanta e-Academy” to facilitate internal sharing of knowledge, encourage professional diversity, and encourage self-guided learning among our employees. In line with developments in the financial industry and changing annual personal development goals, employees can take advantage of our digital platform's "anytime, anywhere" nature to determine what and when to study, making them more competitive in the workplace and building their employability.

    To meet the rapid advances in digital finance and the industry at-large, in January, 2016, Yuanta upgraded the e-Academy platform by adding a mobile version, allowing users to read digital content and browse audio and visual educational courses, and formally bringing Yuanta into the mobile “self-study” generation.

    In response to the Group’s business development needs and the transformation taking place in digital finance, Yuanta implemented the “CommonWealth Innovation Academy” digital content platform in 2016, connecting employees with practical knowledge on everything from socio-economic trends to the latest developments in Fintech, and making this important source of knowledge and information easily accessible for all Group members. With high online browsing frequency and diversity of digital content viewed, Yuanta was named as CommonWealth Innovation Academy’s 2017 Learning Organization of the Year, and awarded Leap Growth Prize in 2018 and Learning Benchmark Enterprise of the Year in 2019.

  • 3 . Providing Internal Reassignment Opportunities and Encouraging Transfer of Skills Between Positions

    To take advantage of the Group’s diverse range of subsidiaries, employees are encouraged to apply for internal reassignment, or to seek new assignments based in the Company’s business needs, in order to effectively facilitate talent exchange and diverse development within the Group, while also allowing the Group to reproduce its successes and diffuse their benefits throughout its various business lines.

Professional Talent Cultivation

Every year, in accordance with the Company’s operational strategy and business development plans, Yuanta organizes a range of training and talent development courses. Employees taking these professional skills training courses can not only enhance their knowledge, operational procedures, and skills as related to their own positions, but can also use these courses as a means of increasing their work performance, broadening their professional outlook, and cultivating necessary skills for the future, thereby growing together with the Company and demonstrating their abilities.

In 2016, the Company implemented the “CommonWealth Innovation Academy” digital content platform. The courses offered via this platform are mainly focused on cultivating employees’ business acumen, with a secondary goal of helping them increase their individual abilities; for this reason, both browsing time and usage figures are used as metrics to measure the platform’s success. Yuanta also makes use of internal resources by inviting Company employees to deliver lectures, including classes on the transformation being caused by digital finance for the front-line sales force who experience its effects first-hand, as well as multi-functional training courses which provide sales employees with a range of important financial information and versatile service skills. These results of these courses are tracked by testing, statistics on employees who acquire financial licenses, customer satisfaction surveys and supervisor reviews, with the goal of providing step-by-step guidance for employees to expand their professional abilities.

Additionally, to assist new employees in familiarizing themselves with the Company culture, organizational status and legal regulations, as well as to understand the rights, obligations, and benefits of their position, Yuanta and its subsidiaries have designed digital and in-person pre-employment training courses, as well as on-the-job training and an employee mentorship program to ensure that new employees are able to quickly adapt to their new surroundings and smoothly begin making their contribution to the Company’s success.

Multi-functional Talent Training
  • Yuanta Financial Holding Company (FHC) has been sending senior executives to participate in the “Entrepreneur Management Development Training Program” held by National Chengchi University every year for 25 consecutive years. While cultivating a successor team, it also provides the management with the necessary capabilities and vision, and continues to work hard for the sustainability of talent.

  • Coinciding with the implementation of the “New Wealth Management Program” by the competent authorities, Yuanta Securities strives to be one of the first wave of securities firms to obtain new wealth management licenses for high-asset customers. In order to train high-asset wealth management professionals, Yuanta FHC has organized the “Certified Financial Planner (CFP)® Certification Counseling Program” starting from 2021, hoping to enhance professional capabilities in all-round financial planning such as asset allocation, taxation, protection, and retirement through the CFP® international certification preparation process.
    This program, in collaboration with the Taiwan Securities Association and the Taipei Foundation of Finance, assists more than 280 employees with high-asset wealth management service potential to obtain the CFP® international financial planning consultant certification. Yuanta FHC will fully subsidize the module qualification training and pre-exam tutoring course fees. In addition, those who have officially obtained the CFP® license will be awarded an additional bonus of NT$50,000, which shows Yuanta FHC’s ambition to cultivate high-level wealth management talent.

  • Yuanta Securities is actively nurturing international talent internally. Since 2019, it has implemented the “English Certification Reward Guidelines,” awarding certification bonuses to those who have improved their English test scores, encouraging all Yuanta colleagues to continuously improve their English proficiency.
    At the same time, Yuanta Securities regularly reviews high-quality potential talent with international mobility within the company based on job expertise, language proficiency, willingness to be assigned abroad, and cultural adaptability every year, and sets up an international talent pool to reserve candidates for assignment. In addition, Yuanta Securities continues to cooperate with external professional language institutions to provide language and culture training courses in business English, Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Korean, etc., and carry out cross-border project experiencing and job rotation to expand the international perspective of the personnel and enhance the eligibility of expatriate reserve talent.

  • Yuanta Bank continues to recommend employees to participate in the Leading Executive Apex Program (LEAP) and the International Talent Development Program (ITDP) organized by the Taiwan Academy for Banking and Finance to foster the required decision-making thinking and management capabilities, and to establish international vision, strengthen international competitiveness, and build a future successor team.

  • Yuanta Futures participates in the “GoProS Training Program” organized by the Securities and Futures Institute every year to cultivate all-round international financial professionals.

  • Yuanta Futures has sent speakers to participate in the campus speaking tour of the “Future Development and Employment Opportunities of the Futures Industry” organized by the Futures Association to form students’ proper understanding of the futures sector and attract talent to the industry.

  • Yuanta Funds has combined academic research resources to collaborate with the Research Center for Artificial Intelligence in Investment and Asset Management established by the College of Management of National Taiwan Normal University. Chairman of Yuanta Funds, Tsung-Sheng Liu leads the advisory team, and professional fund managers from the Index and Quantitative Investment Business Group serve as the research advisory group and industry advisory group. They donated NT$1 million each in 2022 and 2023 to support the research project, and continued to promote academic research and practical discussions on intelligent and index investment.