元大金控元大金控 元大金控元大金控 元大金控元大金控

經營團隊 经营团队 Management Team
元大金控 元大金控 Yuanta Financial Holdings
Tony Shen
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta FHC, Chairman, Vice Chairman, President
  • Yuanta Securities, Chairman
  • Yuanta Sec. Asia Financial Services, Vice Chairman
  • Yuanta Securities (HK), Chairman
Chien Weng
Bachelor's in Law, Fu Jen Catholic University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta Bank, Chairman
  • Yuanta Venture Capital, Chairman
  • Yuanta I Venture Capital, Chairman
  • Polaris Securities, President
Sung Shan Chao
General Auditor
Master’s in Law & Business Administration, Soochow University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta Bank, General Auditor
Lawrence Lee
Chief Secretary
Master's in Law, Soochow University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Ta Chong Securities, Chairman
  • Yuanta AMC, Chairman
  • Yuanta Sec. Finance, President
Ji Wei Lai
Chief Risk Officer
Master’s in Finance, Tamkang University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta Life, Senior Assistant Vice President
Bobby Hwang
Chief Strategy Officer
M.B.A., University of California
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta Securities, Vice Chairman, President
  • Yuanta Securities Korea, President
Bobby Hwang
Chief International Operations Officer
M.B.A., University of California
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta Securities, Vice Chairman, President
  • Yuanta Securities Korea, President
Mei Ling Kuo
Chief Digital Development Officer
M.B.A., Chengchi University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta Securities, Executive Vice President
Hsiao Ling Chou
Chief Corporate Banking Officer
Master's in Finance, National Taiwan University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta Futures, Vice Chairman, President
  • Yuanta Futures(Formerly Polaris Futures), Vice Chairman
  • Polaris Securities, President
  • MF Global Futures, President
Wen Ching Chiu
Chief Compliance Officer
Bachelor's in Law, Chengchi University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta Securities, Senior Vice President
Hsu Shu Mai
Chief Financial Officer
Master's in Finance, National Taiwan University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta Securities, Senior Vice President
Robert C.S. Yang
Chief Administration Officer
Ph.D., Jinan University (China)
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta FHC, Vice President
Ming Lang Liu
Chief Operational Support Officer
Bachelor’s in Business Administration, Tamkang University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta Securities, Senior Vice President
Fang Ming Lo
Chief Information Officer
Computer Science Degree, Tamkang University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta FHC, Senior Assistant Vice President
Hui Jung Lu
Chief Accounting Officer
Master’s in Finance, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta Life, Senior Vice President
Bessie Y. C. Su
Chief Legal Officer
LL.M. in Banking and Financial Law, Boston University / LL.M. Chung Yuan Christian University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Taiwan and New York State Attorney
  • Lee and Li Attorneys-at-Law, Associate Partner
  • Chinese Arbitration Association (Taipei), Arbitrator
CR Huang
Chief Information Security Officer
Bachelor's in Information Engineering and Computer Science , Feng Chia University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta Bank, Senior Assistant Vice President
Jing Fang Lin
Chief Human Resource Officer
Master’s in industrial and technology education, National Taiwan Normal University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta Futures, Vice President
元大證券 元大证券 Yuanta Securities
Vincent Chen
B.A. in Law, Chung Hsing University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta FHC, CSO, CFO
  • Yuanta Asset Management, Chairman
  • Yuanta Securities (Hong Kong), Chairman
  • Yuanta Futures, Director
  • Yuanta Securities, Director, EVP
  • Yuanta Inv. Consulting (Beijing), Director
Yi Ming Wang
Vice Chairman
Master’s in Accounting, National Changhua University of Education
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta Securities, President, Executive Vice President
  • Yuanta Securities (HK), Chairman
  • Yuanta Securities, Senior Vice President of Wealth Management Dept.
  • Yuanta Securities, Brokerage Business Supervisor
Ming Cheng Kuo
Acting President
M.B.A., University of Texas at Arlington, USA
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta Securities Korea Co., Ltd., President
  • Yuanta Securities Asia Financial Services, Director
  • Yuanta Securities (HK), Director
  • Yuanta Securities, Executive Vice President
  • Yuanta FHC, Chief Corporate Banking Officer
  • Yuanta Bank, Director
  • TSH Biopharm, Independent Director
  • Yuanta Asia Investment, Chairman
元大銀行 元大银行 Yuanta Bank
Tsai Yu Chang
M.B.A., Chengchi University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta Bank, Vice Chairman, President
  • Yuanta FHC, CFO, CSO, CRO
  • Yuanta Securities, Executive Vice President
  • Yuanta Life, Director
  • Chairman of Yuanta Savings Bank;Director of Yuanta Savings Bank
Hsiao Ling Chou
Vice Chairman
Master of Finance, Taiwan University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta Futures, Vice Chairman
  • MF Global Futures, President
  • Bank of Overseas Chinese, Vice President, Director
  • Polaris Securities' brokerage business, General Manager
  • Polaris Sec. Investment Trust Company, Executive AVP
Su-Ching Weng
Bachelor’s in Business Administration, National Cheng Kung University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta FHC, General Auditor
  • Yuanta Bank, Vice President
元大人壽 元大人寿 Yuanta Life
Chao Kuo Chiang
Ph.D., University of Hamburg
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Taiwan Insurance Guaranty Fund, Chairman
  • National Taipei University Law School, Dean
  • National Taipei University Law Department, Chair
  • Insurance Anti-Fraud Institute of the R.O.C., Chairman
  • Taiwan Insurance Institute, Chairman
  • Central Reinsurance Corp., Director
Hsuan Min Kuo
Master’s in Int’l Business, National Taiwan University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta Life, Executive Vice President
  • Yuanta FHC,Chief Risk Officer,Chief Strategy Officer
  • Yuanta Securities, Senior Vice President
元大投信 元大投信 Yuanta Funds
Tsung Sheng Liu
Ph.D., Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta Funds, Chairperson, President
  • Polaris Securities, President
Ting Hsien Huang
Vice Chairman
Master's in Management, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta Funds, Vice Chairperson, President
  • Yuanta Sec. Finance, Chairman
  • Yuanta Sec. Inv. Consulting, Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, President
  • Yuanta Securities, Vice President
Pei-Yu Chen
Master's in Finance,National Taiwan University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta Funds, President, Executive Vice President
  • Yuanta FHC,Vice President
  • Yuanta Bank,Assistant Vice President
  • Yuanta Securities,Senior Manager
元大期貨 元大期货 Yuanta Futures
Tien Fu Lin
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta Securities, President
  • Yuanta FHC, Director
  • Yuanta Sec. Finance, Vice Chairman
  • Fuhwa Securities, President, Director
  • Yuanta Securities,Director,Executive Vice President
  • Ding Fu Securities, Chairman
Chen, Pin-Cheng
Vice Chairman
M.B.A., Syracuse University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • KGI Futures, Vice Chairman
  • Grand Cathay Financial Holdings (Hong Kong), Chairman
  • Grand Cathay Futures, Chairman
  • Grand Cathay Securities (Hong Kong), Director, President
  • Grand Cathay Securities, President
  • KGI Securities (Thailand), President
Kuo-Tsun Hsu
Master's in Finance, Taiwan University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta Futures, Executive Vice President
  • MF Global Futures, Vice President
元大投顧 元大投顾 Yuanta Sec. Inv. Consulting
Christine Hu
Ph.D., Department of Finance, Xiamen University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta Sec. Inv. Consulting, Vice Chairman
  • Director of News Department of USTV
Chieh Wu
Vice Chairman
M.B.A., Waseda University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta FHC, Chief Strategy Officer
  • Yuanta Sec. Finance, Vice Chairman
  • Yuanta Life, Senior Vice President
Chien Hung Lai
M.B.A., Chang Gung University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta Securities, Senior Assistant Vice President
  • Yuanta Funds, Senior Assistant Vice President
元大創投 元大创投 Yuanta Venture Capital
Arthur Chen
M.B.A., Chengchi University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta FHC, CFO, Executive Vice President
  • Yuanta Bank, CEO, Director
  • Yuanta Securities, CEO, Executive Vice President
  • Royal Bank of Canada Shanghai branch, President
Y.D. Deng
Vice Chairman
LL.B. National Taiwan University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • CTBC Financial Holding, CLO
  • CTBC Bank, Senior Vice President
  • Lee and Li, Attorneys-at-Law, Counselor
Chun Hao Peng
M.B.A., National Cheng Kung University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta VC, Senior Vice President
元大證金 元大证金 Yuanta Sec. Finance
Shao Hsing Kung
Bachelor’s in Cooperative Economics, Tamkang University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta Securities, Executive Vice President
  • Yuanta Futures, Director
Tien Fu Lin
Vice Chairman
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta Futures,Chairman
  • Yuanta Securities, President
  • Yuanta FHC, Director
  • Fuhwa Securities, President, Director
  • Yuanta Securities,Director,Executive Vice President
  • Ding Fu Securities, Chairman
Sheng Hui Yang
M.B.A. Ming Chuan University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta Securities, Vice President
  • Yuanta FHC, Senior Assistant Vice President
元大國際資產 元大国际资产 Yuanta AMC
Daniel YM Song
Master's in Law, Columbia University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • New York State, Attorney
  • Lee and Li Attorneys-at-Law, Of-Counsel, Attorney, Partner
  • Ministry Of Justice, Prosecutor
  • Taichung Dist. Prosecutors Office, Prosecutor
Robert C.S. Yang
Vice Chairman
Ph.D., Jinan University (China)
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta FHC, Vice President
Allen Lin
Master of Architecture, National Cheng Kung University
經歷 经历 Experience
  • Yuanta Asset Management, Vice President
  • Yuanta FHC, Senior Assistant Vice President
  • Yuanta Life, Senior Manager