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Key Performance of Public Welfare Projects
Total investment Total number of beneficiaries Scholarship amount
NT$119.99million(Note) 672,520 NT$47.44million
We have been caring for important social issues and working with stakeholders to provide practical assistance. Yuanta business offices are used as community communication relay stations, combining the power of volunteers to build a tight-knit safety support net. We invest in resources to enable disadvantaged students to complete their studies, help young people become self-sufficient, and nurture professional talents.
Note: Total value of cash and in-kind donations.

Helping Disadvantaged Groups, Supporting Medical System in Pandemic

For many years, the Group has integrated our financial operations and services with social welfare to help charity groups and care for residents in remote areas and the disadvantaged groups. While the economy gradually recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, the fundraising efforts made by social welfare groups have once again taken a hit from the rising inflation. In 2020, the Group donated the “Economy Revitalization Charity Cards” with a face value of NT$3,000 to seven charity groups, including Taiwan Fund for Children and Families (hereinafter referred to as “TFCF”), which we have supported for many years. The donations totaled NT$120 million. Schoolchildren from disadvantaged families could use the charity cards for meals at convenience stores during summer break, thereby alleviating some of their families' burdens. More than 100,000 individuals benefited from these donations. Continuing this philosophy, when more than 10,000 children receiving assistance from TFCF desperately needed external support as school was about to begin in September 2022, the Group took action to donate NT$10 million to TFCF with the aim of setting as an example for others to follow with their donations.

Realizing the significance of our corporate impact, Yuanta Financial Holdings is constantly standing at the forefront of social welfare actions. During the pandemic in 2021, feeling the hortage of medical supplies and the enormous physical and mental stress on the medical staff, the Group and our major shareholders collectively donated NT$160 million to three major medical systems in Taiwan to contribute toward national epidemic prevention and fulfill our corporate social responsibilities.

Joining Hands with Stakeholders to Create Sustainable Environmental Impact Afforestation with BNP Paribas and Yuanta Family Day

Yuanta Securities actively integrates our core business with the sustainability of the planet. We encourage customers to respond to climate change and promote biodiversity by partaking in afforestation through their financial actions. In 2022, Yuanta Securities took part in BNP Paribas Asset Management's afforestation program; whenever a customer invests US$10,000 toward designated products, 1 tree will be planted in the mangrove in Sumatra Island, Indonesia by the partnering social enterprise of the program.

A total of 1,177 trees have been planted this year, helping customers make an impact in sustainability while participating in long-term value investments. In addition, to support the competent authority's green finance policy and the Group's sustainable development strategies, Yuanta Securities has realized our ESG philosophy through the “Walkathon and Afforestation Family Day.” Employees and suppliers were invited to join our walkathon and ecological restoration efforts, and a total of 5,150 seedlings indigenous to Taiwan were donated to 15 elementary schools throughout Taiwan in 2022. These seedlings will be nurtured and grow alongside with the 16,310 students in these schools, which will also stimulate our stakeholders to thinking green.

Donations to Political Parties, Stakeholders & Public Welfare Organizations
Donor Date Recipient Amount(NTD)/Item
Yuanta Securities June, 2024 Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable 875,000
Yuanta Bank June, 2024 Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable 750,000
Yuanta Futures June, 2024 Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable 375,000
Yuanta Funds June, 2024 Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable 500,000
Yuanta Securities April, 2024 Taiwan Foundation for Disaster Relief 12,000,000
Yuanta Bank April, 2024 Taiwan Foundation for Disaster Relief 5,000,000
Yuanta Futures April, 2024 Taiwan Foundation for Disaster Relief 1,500,000
Yuanta Funds April, 2024 Taiwan Foundation for Disaster Relief 1,500,000
Yuanta Securities June, 2023 Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable 875,000
Yuanta Bank June, 2023 Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable 750,000
Yuanta Futures June, 2023 Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable 375,000
Yuanta Funds June, 2023 Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable 500,000
Yuanta Securities May, 2023 Yuanta Cultural and Eduational Foundation 43,200,000
Yuanta Securities May, 2023 Yuanta-Polaris Research Institutue 12,420,000
Yuanta Funds May, 2023 Yuanta Cultural and Eduational Foundation 6,400,000
Yuanta Funds May, 2023 Yuanta-Polaris Research Institutue 1,840,000
Yuanta Bank April, 2023 Yuanta Cultural and Eduational Foundation 26,400,000
Yuanta Bank April, 2023 Yuanta-Polaris Research Institutue 7,590,000
Yuanta Futures April, 2023 Yuanta Cultural and Eduational Foundation 4,000,000
Yuanta Futures April, 2023 Yuanta-Polaris Research Institutue 1,150,000
Yuanta Securities October, 2022 Taiwan Fund for Children and Families 6,800,000
Yuanta Bank September, 2022 Taiwan Fund for Children and Families 2,300,000
Yuanta Funds September, 2022 Taiwan Fund for Children and Families 600,000
Yuanta Futures September, 2022 Taiwan Fund for Children and Families 300,000
Yuanta Securities June, 2022 Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable 875,000
Yuanta Bank June, 2022 Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable 750,000
Yuanta Funds June, 2022 Yuanta Cultural and Eduational Foundation 4,800,000
Yuanta Funds June, 2022 Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable 500,000
Yuanta Futures June, 2022 Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable 375,000
Yuanta Securities May, 2022 Yuanta Cultural and Eduational Foundation 54,400,000
Yuanta Bank May, 2022 Yuanta Cultural and Eduational Foundation 18,400,000
Yuanta Futures May, 2022 Yuanta Cultural and Eduational Foundation 2,400,000
Yuanta Securities May, 2022 Yuanta-Polaris Research Institutue 21,480,000
Yuanta Bank May, 2022 Yuanta-Polaris Research Institutue 7,270,000
Yuanta Funds May, 2022 Yuanta-Polaris Research Institutue 1,900,000
Yuanta Futures April, 2022 Yuanta-Polaris Research Institutue 950,000
Yuanta Securities June, 2021 Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable 875,000
Yuanta Securities June, 2021 Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare 20 Assembled Negative Pressure Isolation Chambers
Yuanta Securities June, 2021 Taipei Veterans General Hospital 9,000,000
Yuanta Securities June, 2021 Yuanta Cultural and Eduational Foundation 47,200,000
Yuanta Securities June, 2021 Yuanta-Polaris Research Institutue 12,390,000
Yuanta Bank June, 2021 Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable 750,000
Yuanta Bank June, 2021 Taipei Veterans General Hospital 29,000,000
Yuanta Funds June, 2021 Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable 500,000
Yuanta Funds June, 2021 Taipei Veterans General Hospital 7,000,000
Yuanta Futures June, 2021 Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable 375,000
Yuanta Futures June, 2021 Taipei Veterans General Hospital 5,000,000
Yuanta Futures June, 2021 Yuanta Cultural and Eduational Foundation 4,000,000
Yuanta Bank May, 2021 Yuanta Cultural and Eduational Foundation 23,200,000
Yuanta Bank April, 2021 Yuanta-Polaris Research Institutue 6,090,000
Yuanta Funds April, 2021 Yuanta Cultural and Eduational Foundation 5,600,000
Yuanta Funds April, 2021 Yuanta-Polaris Research Institutue 1,470,000
Yuanta Futures April, 2021 Yuanta-Polaris Research Institutue 1,050,000
Yuanta Securities August, 2020 Taiwan Fund for Children and Families, Syin-Lu Social Welfare Foundation, Downs Syndrome Foundation R.O.C., Spinal Cord Injury Foundation, Boyo Social Welfare Foundation, Kids' Bookhouse, Mercy Home 42,999,000
Yuanta Bank August, 2020 As above 45,999,000
Yuanta Futures August, 2020 As above 5,502,000
Yuanta Funds August, 2020 As above 5,502,000
Yuanta Securities June, 2020 Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable 875,000
Yuanta Bank June, 2020 Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable 875,000
Yuanta Futures June, 2020 Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable 375,000
Yuanta Funds June, 2020 Taiwan Financial Services Roundtable 375,000
Yuanta Securities May, 2020 Yuanta Cultural and Educational Foundation 21,500,000
Yuanta Bank May, 2020 Yuanta Cultural and Educational Foundation 23,000,000
Yuanta Futures May, 2020 Yuanta Cultural and Educational Foundation 2,750,000
Yuanta Funds May, 2020 Yuanta Cultural and Educational Foundation 2,750,000
Yuanta Securities May, 2020 Yuanta-Polaris Research Institute 9,290,000
Yuanta Bank May, 2020 Yuanta-Polaris Research Institute 9,930,000
Yuanta Futures May, 2020 Yuanta-Polaris Research Institute 1,190,000
Yuanta Funds May, 2020 Yuanta-Polaris Research Institute 1,190,000