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Reporting Mechanism

Yuanta Financial Holdings has established and publicized on its website an independent reporting mailbox and telephone number, allowing anyone with suspicions of possible corruption or criminal acts to report them to the Company.

Yuanta's responsible unit for handling whistleblowing reports shall provide written guarantees to protect the confidentiality of whistleblowers and the contents of their reports, and shall ensure that whistleblowers do not suffer any adverse repercussions for coming forward.

Whistleblowing System and Implementation Measures
Reporting Channels
Address: No. 66, Sec. 1, Dunhua E Rd, Taipei 105, Taiwan
Yuanta Financial Holdings Whistleblowing Reports Unit
Telephone: +886-2-2173-6834
個人資料蒐集處理利用告知事項暨同意書 个人资料搜集处理利用告知事项暨同意书 Personal Information Collection Terms and Agreement

本電子信箱服務,僅限於「當事人連絡」及「處理檢舉案件」必要範圍內進行蒐集、處理及利用您的個人資料。 本电子信箱服务,仅限于「当事人连络」及「处理检举案件」必要范围内进行搜集、处理及利用您的个人资料。 This electronic mailbox service's collection and use of your personal information shall be limited to what is necessary for the purpose of contacting involved parties and processing the whistleblowing report.

本公司檢舉電子信箱服務,僅限於當事人連絡必要範圍內進行蒐集、處理與利用您的個人資料,為保障您的正常權益,請務必詳閱以下所述事項: 本公司检举电子信箱服务,仅限于当事人连络必要范围内进行搜集、处理与利用您的个人资料,为保障您的正常权益,请务必详阅以下所述事项: Yuanta's whistleblowing email service shall limit the collection and use of your personal information to that which is necessary for the purpose of contacting involved parties and processing the whistleblowing report. In order to protect your rights and interests, please carefully read the terms and conditions below:

本公司基於檢舉案件處理之目的範圍內,得以電子或紙本方式蒐集、處理及利用個人資料(辨識個人類:包含姓名、電子郵遞地址、電話號碼)。個人資料使用之期限為5年,使用地區為中華民國境內,使用對象為本公司或相關處理之其他機關(構)。您可依個人資料保護法第三條行使當事人權利,包含查詢及請求閱覽、製給複製本、補充或更正、停止蒐集、處理或利用及刪除等作業。若您不同意提供以上個人資料,本公司將無法回覆或處理您的檢舉。 本公司基于检举案件处理之目的范围内,得以电子或纸本方式搜集、处理及利用个人资料(辨识个人类:包含姓名、电子邮递地址、电话号码)。个人资料使用之期限为5年,使用地区为中华民国境内,使用对象为本公司或相关处理之其他机关(构)。您可依个人资料保护法第三条行使当事人权利,包含查询及请求阅览、制给复制本、补充或更正、停止搜集、处理或利用及删除等作业。若您不同意提供以上个人资料,本公司将无法回复或处理您的检举。 Within the parameters of its handling of the whistleblowing report, the Company shall use electronic or paper format to collect, process, and use your personal information (including: name, email address, telephone number). Use of personal information shall be limited to 5 years, within the territory of the Republic of China, and the counterparty shall be the Company or other entities relevant to handling the report. You may exercise the rights guaranteed by Article 3 of the Personal Information Protection Act, including (1) any inquiry and request for a review of the personal information; (2) any request to make duplications of the personal information; (3) any request to supplement or correct the personal information; (4) any request to discontinue collection, processing or use of personal information; and (5) any request to delete the personal information. If you are not willing to provide the above personal information, the Company will not be able to respond to or process your whistleblowing report.

檢舉事項 检举事项 Whistleblowing Form
檢舉內容 检举内容 Report Content
以下 * 為必填資料 以下 * 为必填资料 * Indicates a required field
*內容: *內容: *Content:
信件內容建議不要超過3000個中文字,如內容過長請改以附檔方式提供! 信件内容建议不要超过3000个中文字,如内容过长请改以附档方式提供! Please limit the text in this field to 3000 characters. For content exceeding this length, please provide your report as an attachment below.
  1. 人:被檢舉人姓名、所屬部門及職稱或其他足以識別被檢舉人身分之資訊。
  2. 事:行為或事實發生經過。
  3. 時:行為或事實發生時間。
  4. 地:行為或事實發生地點。
  5. 物:足資佐證被檢舉人涉及犯罪、舞弊或違反法令之具體事證及相關資料,包括但不限於單據、憑證、報表、合約、信函、錄音、錄影、相片等。
  1. 人:被检举人姓名、所属部门及职称或其他足以识别被检举人身分之信息。
  2. 事:行为或事实发生经过。
  3. 时:行为或事实发生时间。
  4. 地:行为或事实发生地点。
  5. 物:足资左证被检举人涉及犯罪、舞弊或违反法令之具体事证及相关数据,包括但不限于单据、凭证、报表、合约、信函、录音、录像、相片等。
It is helpful if your report covers the following:
  1. Who:The name, department, job position or other identifying features of the subject of the report.
  2. What:A description of the reported matter.
  3. When:A description of when the reported matter occurred.
  4. Where:A description of where the reported matter occurred.
  5. How:Concrete details or evidence implicating the subject of the report in a crime, corruption, or other illegal acts. This may include: receipts, accounting documents, reports, contracts, letters, audio or video recordings, photographs, or other items establishing the veracity of the reported matter.
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