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重大訊息 重大讯息 Announcements
YFH announces board resolution of Yuanta Bank to increase capital from retained earnings and to issue new shares
  1. Date of the board of directors resolution: 2024/02/22
  2. Source of capital increase funds: Stock dividends from 2023 earnings to be distributed to shareholders
  3. Whether to adopt shelf registration (Yes, please state issuance period/No): No
  4. Total monetary value of the issuance and number of shares issued (shares issued not including those distributed to employees if consisting in capital increase from earnings or capital surplus): NT$6,013,157,940 (601,315,794 shares)
  5. If adopting shelf registration, monetary value and number of shares to be issued this time: N/A
  6. The remaining monetary value and shares after this issuance when adopting shelf registration: N/A
  7. Par value per share: NT$10
  8. Issue price: NT$10
  9. Number of shares subscribed for by or allocated to employees: N/A
  10. Number of shares publicly sold: N/A
  11. Ratio of shares subscribed by or allotted as stock dividends to existing shareholders: Approximately 81.324401 shares per 1,000 shares.
  12. Handling method for fractional shares and shares unsubscripted for by the deadline: N/A
  13. Rights and obligations of these newly issued shares: Same as existing shares.
  14. Utilization of the funds from the capital increase: To raise capital adequacy ratio and strengthen the financial structure.
  15. Any other matters that need to be specified: N/A